B2B receivables

Extrajudicial collection of trade receivables

Since we work on the principle of NO SUCCESS = NO FEE, it is in our best interest to collect your debts as quickly as possible using all legal means. We individually assess each claim before we choose any further step. We review a claim by the amount, type of debtor and depending on which steps have been already taken by you prior the claim was passed to us. Due to our experience, you can be sure that any action will be chosen for the best result and lead to the fastest collection of receivables.

Our actions may include the following:

  • Evaluation of a debtor's assets
  • Phone calls
  • Letters, emails and messages with the escalation of pressure on the debtor
  • Tracing other contact details
  • Personal visits and meetings
  • Placing the debtor in the List of debtors
  • Purchase of assets and its sale to third parties
  • Processing of hedging instruments 

We will inform you about the process of collection on a regular basis and in case of necessity we are ready to provide additional information via telephone and e-mail at any time.

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